Speedgrader submission labels and Gradebook assignment search – Canvas Release (October 16, 2021) 

The October 16, 2021 Canvas update contains information pertaining to Speedgrader labels and Gradebook assignment search. Specifically, the following are included in this Canvas update:  

  • Sticky Navigation Menus: When a long page is scrolled, the menu remains visible at the top of the screen. 
  • Submission Status Label: Late, Missing, and Excused assignment statuses can now be seen and set from inside Speedgrader.  
  • Assignment Search: The Gradebook now includes two search fields: one for student names, and one for assignment names.  
  • Course Notifications: Users can now set all of their individual User Notifications and Course Notifications from the Notifications page in the user menu. 
  • Accessibility Checker: The accessibility checker is now enabled by default and detects accessibility concerns without needing to open the Accessibility Checker. 

In case you missed it, previous Canvas releases included changes to SpeedGrader, Account Settings, and New Quizzes. Review the deploy notes for more information.

Deploy Summary – Canvas Notes (June 22, 2022)

The June 22, 2022 Canvas deploy notes included updates to the interface and features.

The interface update included:

  • Assignments: Assignment Availability Window Display Update: This update allows students to view the exact availability window of an assignment in hours and minutes when the availability window is 24 hours or less.

The feature updated included:

  • Rich Content Editor Icon Maker: RCE Icon Maker Unsaved Changes Warning: This update allows instructors to be notified about unsaved changes before exiting the Rich Content Editor Icon Maker.  

Deploy & Release – Gradebook: Message Observers – Canvas (June 8 & 18, 2022)

The June 8, 2022 Canvas deploy includes interface and feature updates associated with the Rich Content Editor and Syllabus areas.


  • Rich Content Editor: Vector Button in Equation Editor: This change allows instructors and students to include vector arrows with a button when creating an equation in the Rich Content Editor Equation Editor.
  • Syllabus: Icon Display in Syllabus Update: In the Syllabus, users can view updated icons for assignments, discussions, and quizzes in the Course Summary.


  • Rich Content Editor Icon Maker: Single Color Image Color Picker Update: In Rich Content Editor Icon Maker, instructors can edit the color of a single color image on a button after saving with the Single Color Image Color Picker.

The June 18, 2022 Canvas release includes a new feature associated with the Gradebook.

Gradebook: Message Observers of Students Who will allow instructors to include observers when sending messages from the Message Students Who link in Gradebook.

Image shows what the screen in Canvas looks like when using the new Gradebook: Message Observers of Students Who feature in Canvas.

In the Gradebook, find the assignment. Click Options. Then select Message Students Who. By default, Canvas will show names from the Haven’t submitted yet category.

In the For Students Who drop-down menu (see 1 in the photo below), select the category of students you want to message. Based on real-time data, Canvas will show the names of the observers who fall in the category you selected (number 2 in the photo below). You can also remove observers from the message by clicking the Select icon (number 3 in the photo).

Photo shows the different areas of how to include or remove observers when messaging students who in Canvas.

The full June 18, 2022 Canvas Release message is available online if you would like to read the full memo.

Upcoming Canvas Features Release

The Learning Technologies Administration Team will be updating Canvas on May 18, 2022, with the following updates:

General Canvas Features

  • Apply Score to Ungraded: Instructors can apply scores to ungraded submissions en masse from an assignment group.
  • Rich Content Editor Icon Maker: Instructors can incorporate simple icons for their courses.
  • Emojis in Submission Comments: Instructors and students can use emojis in SpeedGrader and add emojis in the context tray from Gradebook.
  • Assignment Enhancement: This change allows the interface to be more user-friendly with the file upload experience.

New Quizzes Specific

  • Course Item Bank Filter: This update allows a new item bank filter in New Quizzes.
  • Fill-in-the-Blank Question Type Allows Rich Content Editor: Enabling this feature allows instructors to add content as part of the question stem and make portions of the content fillable in the student response.

2022 Canvas Updates: New Quizzes Focused

This update will contain all Canvas release and deploy that are specific to New Quizzes in Canvas. To review the release and deploy notes for the other features of Canvas, you can review a separate post that contains that information. You can view the most recent updates for New Quizzes on this page.

If you’re looking for more information on New Quizzes, you can review the New Quizzes in Canvas webpage.


The January 15, 2022 release update contained a number of updates.

Feature Updates

  • Content Import Terminology Adjustment: The Import Assessment Content as New Quizzes checkbox has been replaced as the Import Existing Quizzes as New Quizzes checkbox. This change clarifies that quizzes are the only content type that are being imported via the New Quizzes engine.
  • Matching Questions Partial Credit: Matching questions include the option to select partial credit, similar to the Multiple Answer questions. Partial credit is the default option for this type of question.


The March 19, release and deploy notes contained the following update:

Feature Updates and Previews

  • Module Requirement Display New Quizzes: When adding modules requirements, instructors can view all quiz types under the Quizzes heading. This change allows instructors to navigate to Quizzes when adding New Quizzes items as a module requirement.
  • Item Bank Filtering Terminology Adjustment: In New Quizzes item banks, the All My Banks and All My Course Banks filters have been replaced as the All Banks and Banks Shared to Course  Additionally, the This Course filter has been added to the filter options. This change clarifies what each item bank filter displays in New Quizzes.


The current deploy and release notes for April 16, 2022 include:

Feature Previews

  • Fill in the Blank Question Types Allows Rich Content Editor: In New Quizzes item banks, the All My Banks and All My Course Banks filters have been replaced as the All Banks and Banks Shared to Course  Additionally, the This Course filter has been added to the filter options. This change clarifies what each item bank filter displays in New Quizzes.

2022 Canvas Updates: Overview (Excluding New Quizzes)

This update will contain all Canvas release and deploy notes for 2022 thus far. These notes will not contain any updates pertaining to New Quizzes. All New Quizzes updates specific to 2022 that have been released through the Canvas release and deploy notes can be found in a separate post. If you’re looking for more information on New Quizzes, you can review the New Quizzes in Canvas webpage. You can view the most recent notes on this page.


The January 15, 2022 release update contained a number of updates.

Feature Updates

  • Course Navigation Menu State: The expended or collapsed state of the Course Navigation Menu persists throughout all Canvas courses.
  • Gradebook – Missing Status Removal: When a grade is entered manually for a missing assignment, the missing status is removed. When an assignment indicates a student’s submission as missing, and a grade is entered manually in the Gradebook, the Missing status is removed. In the Gradebook, the Missing status is indicated as a color. The Grade Detail Tray displays both the status and the color.
  • Modules Link State: When an External URL or an External Tool (LTI) links are added to a module, the Load in New Tab checkbox is not selected by default. However, if the checkbox is selected, the checkbox will remain selected for all additional links added to a module.
  • Rich Content Editor (RCE) – Accessibility Checker Indicator Feature Enforcement: When accessibility issues are detected within the Rich Content Editor, the Editor display an indicator over the Accessibility Checker icon.
  • SpeedGrader – Unposted Comment Warning: This change notifies graders if a comment has been created but not posted.


  • Gradebook – Split Name Columns: The Gradebook View menu can include the option to split student names into two separate column and show first and last names separately. Canvas admins have the option to allow the Gradebook to display split student name columns in Account Settings.


  • Settings – Feature Preview Terminology Adjustment: The Account and Course Settings Feature Preview tabs have been restored to Feature Options.


The February 2 and February 16, 2022 Canvas release and deploy updates included:

Interface Updates

  • Enrollments – Custom Roles Display Names: Custom role names display in various areas across Canvas. At the account level, the User Details link for a user displays the custom role type.
  • People – User Suspension Link Adjustment: The Suspend/Reactive User link has been relocated in the User Details page.
  • Rich Content Editor – Accessibility Checker Color Update: The Accessibility Checker color value has been changed from a warning style to an information style.
  • Calendar – Color Update: This change improves accessibility and aligns with updated contrast standards.

Misc. Updates

  • Mobile Apps – Session Duration Extension: The minimum session duration for mobile application has been changed from 20 minutes to 48 hours.
  • Google LTI – File Menu Selection: The file selection menu has been updated by Google.
  • Course Settings – Discussions Detail Label Update: In Discussions options, the option to let students edit or delete their own discussion posts has been changed to replies.


The March 2, March 16, March 19, and March 30, 2022 release and deploy notes contained the following updates:

Feature Updates and Previews

  • Gradebook – Enhanced GradeBook Filters: When the Enhanced Gradebook Filters feature preview is enabled for a course, instructors can create filters that can be saved or used one time. Instructors can select condition types and conditions to add to the filter. They can also remove conditions, apply the filter, and give a name for future use
  • Rich Content Editor Equation Update: The change provides mobile responsiveness and enhanced user experience across Canvas courses.

Interface Update and Previews

  • Outcomes – Friendly Description Addition to Outcome Import CSV File: When creating outcomes, admins and instructors have the option to create a custom or more friendly description. Friendly descriptions will display for students and observers/parents in the student Learning Mastery Gradebook and other locations in Canvas where Outcomes are visible for these roles.
  • Calendar – Event Title Label: When adding a Calendar event, a label has been added to the title field. In Calendar, create an event and click the More Options button.  The title field includes the Event Title label.
  • Assignments – Bulk Due Date Time Editor: The Bulk Due Date Editor has been updated to include a time field.
  • Gradebook – Gradebook Loading Icon: When the Gradebook is loading, a spinner icon indicates the loading process.


The current deploy and release notes for April 16, 2022 include:

Feature Previews

  • Account and Course Settings: The Assignment Default Due time can be modified in Account Settings and Course Settings. The Assignment Default Due time will not update existing assignments with due dates already set.
  • Gradebook – Apply Score to Ungraded Assignments: This change allows instructors to apply scores to ungraded submissions en masse from an assignment group and Total column menus in the Gradebook.
  • Rich Content Editor – Icon Maker: This change provides instructors the ability to incorporate simple icons for their courses without using an external tool. The Icon Maker allows simple customized iconography to be created directly within the Rich Content Editor.
  • Submission Comments – Emojis in Submission Comments: This change allows instructors and students to convey messages through the use of emojis as visual indicators in addition to written comments. When this feature is enabled, instructors can add emojis to comments in SpeedGrader using the emoji icon available in the comment box. Instructors and students can add emojis in comments added in the context tray from Gradebook.

CELT-help’s most frequently asked questions for October 2020

Do you wonder what questions were asked via celt-help@iastate.edu most during October? Below are the questions in no particular order. To find your answers, use the CELT search (upper right corner of the site) or click on the link below.

Discover more answers to your questions using the Canvas Guides or type your question in the search box on the CELT website.

