Canvas is implemented, Now Submit your Grades!

Spring semester 2018 grades are due by May 9th at 2:15pm. Follow this end of semester checklist to guide you through the end of the semester process in Canvas via the End of Semester Checklist website. You may also submit grades through AccessPlus.
Spring semester marked the implementation of Canvas as the centrally-supported learning management system at Iowa State University. Over 30,000 students were enrolled in nearly 3,000 courses taught by 2,200 instructors. In a survey CELT conducted earlier in the semester, students commented that the modules, the mobile friendliness, the list of upcoming assignments, and the calendar features helped them learn and kept them on track.
Finally, CELT Open Labs will be ending this Friday (April 27). You may schedule individual consultations with the CELT instructional designers for all your course development needs via the MyCanvas Teacher at ISU website.
Best wishes for finals week.
Sara Marcketti, Interim Director
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
P.S. The CELT Teaching Tip resumes August 2018.

Full Teaching Tip

View the published CELT Teaching Tip: Canvas is implemented, Now Submit your Grades! (April 26, 2018 – Constant Contact) website.

Prefer a Print version?

To view the Teaching Tip as a printable document with web addresses, download the Teaching Tip for April 26 (PDF)

Known Technology Issues (Archive) — Resolved


March 26, 2020

Some Zoom users are experiencing what is being called ‘Zoombombing,’  in which non-students join your Zoom session for the sole purpose of disrupting class.

To address this problem, Zoom has recommendations for avoiding Zoombombing and CELT has compiled a page of Best Practices to Prevent Zoombombing.


March 26, 2020

Zoombombing is possible if you are using the Webex tool (not the Canvas Integration) and can be deterred by locking the meeting once everyone has joined.

NOTE:  Using Webex inside Canvas will prevent this issue.


March 23, 2020 - Resolved April 7, 2020

Some Canvas-Webex users are experiencing an error when trying to schedule office hours. Participants who are unable to use Webex inside Canvas should email with the link to the Canvas course, the time the error occurred, and which tool they were using.

Note: Webex cannot be tested with the “Student View” feature and will result in an error message. This error does not need to be reported.


March 26, 2020 - Resolved March 26, 2020

We are currently experiencing issues with the Webex App within Canvas.  If you login to with your NetID and password you can create a meeting or send your personal room information to  students via the Canvas Inbox or an Announcement.  Webex is working on the issue, no uptime is known.

Canvas is Available!

Canvas is available to all of Iowa State today. Blackboard is still available for faculty to use during fall semester 2017, and almost all courses that use a learning management system (LMS) will be taught in Blackboard. However, now is the time to learn Canvas in preparation for all courses being taught in the new LMS this spring semester 2018.

Begin to learn Canvas using the MyCanvas Teacher at ISU website. This is a 24/7 publicly available course.

How-to Log into Canvas

To log into Canvas click the “Sign Ons” link found in the upper right-hand corner (above the search box) of Iowa State’s home page. Then, use the drop down menu and go to “More Sign Ons” to select the Canvas button.

What you will see in Canvas

Once you are logged into Canvas, you will see your dashboard displaying course cards for your current courses; as well as, a “Start Here” course for MyCanvas Teacher at ISU.

If you do not see the MyCanvas Teacher at ISU course (“Start Here”), follow the steps found in Canvas’s How do I view my institution’s Public Course Index as an instructor? website and click the “+Join this course” icon to self-enroll.

If you choose to not log into MyCanvas Teacher at ISU today, you still will have access to the resources at anytime.

We are no longer accepting Early Adopters for Fall 2017.

Canvas Support:

All 24/7 support options may be found by clicking the “Help” button found on the left-hand navigation bar in Canvas. Canvas offers 24/7 support via the following channels:

  • Canvas Support Line (Call 515-294-4000 then press 2, press 1)
  • Live Chat with Canvas Support
  • A web-based Report a Problem Form

Deploy: Terminology, assignments, faculty journal messages, offline exports, and accessibility – Canvas (July 21, 2021)

The July 21, 2021 Canvas Deploy addresses the following updates and bug fixes: 

  • Feature Option Terminology: The term Feature Option has been renamed to Feature Preview. 
  • Assignments: Students cannot view assignment descriptions for locked assignments; submission types can be changed in an assignment once students’ submissions have been received; Canvas code has been updated to disable notifications for annotations created during a student annotation submission; final grades for moderated assignments can only be released by active graders. 
  • Faculty Journal Messages: Faculty journal entries are only created if the Added as a Faculty Journal checkbox is selected as part of a message. 
  • Offline Export and Hidden Files: Offline exports download media files embedded in pages when the Files tab is hidden for the course. 
  • Accessibility: Account Settings elements include form labels for screen readers and checkboxes include the standard 2px blue outline when focused; in the Dashboard List View, the Notification window retains focus on the New and Dismiss tabs and does not affect the Close icon; when no conversations are selected in the Inbox, the No Conversations Selected text displays an appropriate color contrast; within the rich content editor, the img tag includes standardized role and alt attributes for screen readers. 

Visit the July 21, 2021 Canvas Deploy Notes website for a full description of changes. 

Deploy: Gradebook CSV columns, assignment buttons and notifications, rich content editor, and accessibility – Canvas (July 7, 2021)

The July 7, 2021 Canvas Deploy addresses the following updates and bug fixes: 

  • Gradebook CSV Column Order: Gradebook CSV assignment columns display in the same order as shown in the Gradebook for an individual user. 
  • Empty Assignment Descriptions: When creating an assignment, the default text has been updated for description content that is blank. 
  • Rich Content Editor: Support for several HTML tags and attributes has been added; the Upload Media window allows the name of the file to be changed before the file is added. 
  • Student Annotation Assignments: Canvas code has been updated to disable notifications for annotations created during a student annotation submission to prevent multiple notifications per submission; the Reassign Assignment button is now supported for instructors. 
  • Mark as Done Button for Pages: The Mark as Done button for students has been moved to the bottom. 
  • Accessibility: The focus indication ring is visible for keyboard users throughout the Files page; within Speedgrader, “The Following Questions need Review” section can be read by screen readers; the General and Advanced tabs of the Table Properties window display an appropriate color contrast within the Rich Content Editor. 

Visit the July 7, 2021 Canvas Deploy Notes website for a full description of changes. 

Canvas Deploy: Image Options, Anonymous Peer Reviews, Mastery Path Pages, Accessibility changes (June 23, 2021)

The June 23, 2021 Canvas Deploy addresses the following updates and bug fixes: 

  • Image Options: An image URL can now be updated without having to remove and replace the image 
  • SMS Notifications: The SMS column has been removed from the Notifications page. 
  • Student Annotation Anonymous Peer Review Support: Anonymous peer reviews are supported in student annotation assignments. 
  • Speedgrader and Assignment Submissions: LTI assignment grades for students in active sections but concluded course dates now properly pass back to SpeedGrader. 
  • Assignments Index Page and Mastery Path Pages: Pages allowed in a mastery path no longer display in the Assignments Index Page. 
  • Pretty HTML Editor: Placement of a user’s cursor does not affect the page formatting. 
  • Accessibility: The horizontal separator in the Collaborations Options menu is not treated as a stop for keyboard users; the No Conversations Selected text displays a minimum color contrast of 3:1; the Course Name has been added to the course total and assignment group totals for screen readers; the CSV download button on User Page Views includes more informative context for screen readers; the For All Devices link has been removed from the Ways to Contact page. 

 Visit the June 23, 2021 Canvas Deploy Notes website for a full description of changes. 

Technology Updates (May 12, 2021): Canvas, Webex, Top Hat, WileyPlus, MATLAB Grader, Redshelf, Immediate Access Course Materials, and UDOIT

As we have in the past, the Learning Technologies Team will be doing system and vendor updates in-between Spring Semester and Summer Session I to minimize impact during instruction.  The updates listed below will occur between Thursday, May 13, and Saturday, May 15, 2021, unless otherwise noted.


  • Student Annotation Submissions: Instructors can use an annotated assignment type to upload a file for students to annotate and submit directly in Canvas.
  • Auto-Show Closed Captioning: Allows users to enable captions to show by default in all Canvas videos.
  • User Maintenance Windows: Regular maintenance windows will be implemented for each region, beginning in July 2021. Most maintenance windows will take place sometime between the hours of 12:00 am and 4:00 am local time on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.

Canvas updates will occur on May 15, 2021. See the Canvas Release announcement for more details.


Webex updates will be live on May 12, 2021.

Top Hat

  • Superscript, subscript, and symbol support in questions: Instructors can input superscripts, subscripts, and symbols into the text and answer options for Multiple Choice, Matching, Sorting, and Click on Target Questions.
  • Course-based free trials: When a student is enrolling in a Top Hat course, they will be provided with an option to initiate a 14-day free trial at the checkout page. Initiating the trial will grant the student immediate access to the Top Hat course (including any paid Top Hat products being used in the course such as textbooks or remotely monitored exams). Any work that a student completes within the duration of the trial will be recorded under their name in the course Gradebook.
  • Highlighting, note-taking, and reader location memory: These improvements will allow students using Top Hat via a web browser to highlight in three different colors (green, yellow, and red) as well as add notes to text on a Page both fullscreen view and the preview pane. In addition, when a student returns to a Page, it will open at the same location on the Page as when they exited.
  • Partial grading for Matching and Sorting questions: Students will now receive partial grades for Matching and Sorting questions, commensurate with the number of answer options they correctly match or place.

Top Hat has postponed its updates to June 2021. Read more in the May 2021 Upcoming Release Notes.



  • WileyPLUS becomes WileyPLUS Legacy and will be deprecated on July 30, 2021, in favor of the new WileyPLUS app.
  • New WileyPLUS app: The new app becomes available on May 12, 2021, and gives instructors the freedom and flexibility to tailor curated content and easily manage their courses in order to engage and motivate students. Explore the WileyPLUS Video Tutorials.


  • Redshelf end of life: Iowa State is transitioning from the use of Redshelf for immediate access to course materials, starting with Summer 2021. Redshelf will be disabled on May 13, 2021.
  • VitalSource and Immediate Access Course Materials: VitalSource is the new platform for immediate access course materials at ISU. VitalSource will be added to Canvas on May 13, 2021. Follow the instructions to add the new Immediate Access Course Materials link to your Canvas course.


  • UDOIT end of life: Due to a lack of support, Iowa State is transitioning from the use of UDOIT for course accessibility checking. UDOIT will be disabled on May 13, 2021.
  • Canvas accessibility tools: The accessibility checker and link validator are supported Canvas tools that can be used on any Canvas-created content.

Microsoft OneNote

Canvas Release: Learning Mastery Gradebook, File Previews, Submission Reassignments, Course Availability Dates, and Webcam Submissions (March 20, 2021)

In the March 20, 2021 Canvas Release, the changes below are slated to become part of the main Canvas environment.  
  • Learning Mastery Gradebook Student Filters: The Learning Mastery Gradebook includes filters for inactive and concluded enrollments, this feature already exists in the standard Gradebook view.
  • File Preview Enhancements: Files linked in the Rich Content Editor can be previewed in an overlay or inline. 
  • Submission Reassignments: In SpeedGrader, instructors can reassign an assignment with a due date to an individual student and ask them to redo their submission. Additional submissions cannot exceed the maximum number of permissions available for that student.
  • Course Availability Date Enhancements: Course Settings will now include a menu to select whether to use the university-determined Term dates or the instructor-specified Course dates. Instructors may still also specify dates for each specific section via ISU AdminTools; these continue to not display within the course. 
  • Webcam Submissions: In File Upload assignments, students can use their webcam to submit to an assignment. 
Additional features included in this update but not applicable to the ISU environment include: 
  • New Quizzes Modules Support: For institutions who have enabled New Quizzes, Canvas now includes support to build them straight from a module. Read the latest news about the New Quizzes implementation at ISU. 

March 15, 2021
The enhancements to Course Availability Dates will be reviewed for implementation at a later time.

Canvas Deploy: File Folder Structure in Blueprint Courses and Rich Content Editor focus (March 17, 2021)

The March 17, 2021 Canvas Deploy addresses the following features:

  • Rich Content Editor: When a user switches between editors, focus is retained in the editor link (Pretty HTML editor or Raw Editor, respectively).
  • File Folder Structure in Blueprint Courses: Folders changed in a Blueprint Course display in associated courses after the course sync.

Visit the Canvas Deploy Notes website for a full description of changes.

Canvas Deploy: Quiz Questions and Rich Content Editor (March 3, 2021)

The March 3, 2021 Canvas Deploy addresses several accessibility and user interface bugs, as well as the following features:

  • Mathematical Formulas in Quiz Questions: Mathematical formulas are rounded correctly in Quizzes.
  • Numerical Quiz Questions with Precision Answers: Auto-generated decimal places are not added to numerical questions with precision answers in Quizzes.
  • Rich Content Editor: Removing alternative text from an image and marking the image as decorative does not get flagged in the Accessibility checker.

Visit the Canvas Deploy Notes website for a full description of changes.
