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FALCON 2024 Request for Proposals

Author: Lindsay Gustafson | Image: Lindsay Gustafson

Pedagogy ABCs: Teaching Excellence in the Twenty-First Century

September 27, 2024, Virtual

New instructors often are misguided in how to teach college students, relying on methods from their time as students. While the instructor has gained expert knowledge about the subject, that doesn’t necessarily translate to being an effective teacher. The lack of pedagogical training and knowledge is a problem many new instructors face. To succeed, though, all teaching faculty must understand pedagogical methods and stay abreast of emerging developments in pedagogy.

Please consider submitting a session proposal that will engage and inspire your teaching colleagues. As a starting point, please consider how the following three listed topics are incorporated into higher education:

Learning outcomes (i.e., the desired knowledge and skills students should be able to demonstrate as a result of completing a course, from drafting effective outcomes to aligning outcomes with assessments and learning activities)

Assessments (i.e., the methods used to identify what students have learned in the course)

Learning activities (i.e., the role that strategies like active learning, student engagement, and guided learning play in the learning process and how activities can be designed to support learning)

Complete the form by August 15, 2024

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Lindsay Gustafson