The Course Design Institute (CDI) gives Iowa State University’s instructors skills, time, and space for designing or substantially revising their courses. CDI resources and discussions explore the concepts of backward and accessible course design, assessments, and activities. Instructor participants will re-design at least two modules in their Canvas course using the new ISU Canvas course template. Participants must also complete a Quality Matters self-review to receive a $500 professional development award. All participants will receive feedback and instructional design assistance throughout CDI.

Participant Requirements:

  • Attend four synchronous online meetings
  • Engage in an online asynchronous course
  • Redesign at least two Canvas modules using the ISU Canvas course template
  • Meet with CELT team members for consultation and as-needed support
  • Complete a QM course map
  • Attend teaching technology online training sessions and Quality Matter online workshops (Optional)

CELT’s Course Design Institute is offered twice a year, starting in May and December, with registration opening in April and November. Each session is open to around 20 faculty or staff members with teaching responsibilities from Iowa State University. CELT will give preference to instructors of large-enrollment courses (courses with 50 or more students), instructors referred by their departments, and instructors who have not participated in previous CDI sessions. All disciplines are welcome and encouraged to participate.

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Interested in Participating?

Review the MOU and complete the registration form to participate. The form will open on April 4, 2024 and close on April 24, 2024.

Generally I am learning so much about how I can improve the design of my courses. I have long felt the need to do this and this course is providing me a lot to work with to improve in a very structured way.

CDI Alumnus

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