What is Quality Matters (QM)?

Quality Matters (QM) is an internationally recognized organization that provides a framework for improving the quality of online and hybrid courses. QM focuses on the following aspects of course design:

  • Easy and intuitive navigation of the online environment
  • Well-organized and cohesive course structure
  • Accessible instructional materials
  • Meaningful, student-centered experiences supported by learning objectives, assessments, instructional materials, activities, and course technologies.

Why get involved with QM at ISU?

QM offers a systematic approach to enhancing your course quality. As an instructor, you can choose the level of your involvement:

  • Use QM research-backed standards of course design quality to self-review your course and plan for improvement.
  • Receive valuable feedback from QM-certified internal and external peer reviewers who examine critical components of your course for optimal learning outcomes.

Broaden your understanding of course design quality by becoming a QM-certified peer reviewer.

I have observed that the QM Standards have led to a noticeable improvement in student learning…my students are more engaged in the learning process because the QM standards have encouraged me to create activities that are directly linked to key course concepts and learning objectives.

David Cantor, Ruan Chair in Supply Chain Management; Professor, Department of Supply Chain Management

QM Tools and Processes

QM Rubrics are research-supported, specific, and learner-centered best practices and considerations for online and hybrid courses. The seventh edition of the higher education rubric is intended to help instructors design, build, and assess the course design of online and hybrid courses in institutions of higher learning.

The rubric serves different purposes:

  • Instructors can use the rubric to self-review their course and plan for improvement.
  • QM-certified internal and external reviewers can use the rubric to inspect the quality of online and hybrid courses and write improvement suggestions.

The rubric consists of 44 Specific Review Standards assigned different point values depending on their relative importance.

Standards Points Relative Vaule
22 3 Essential
13 2 Very Important
9 1 Important
44 101

To meet QM review expectations:

  1. All Essential 3-point Specific Review Standards must be met.
  2. The review should result in the overall score of 86 points or higher out of 101 points.

Three types of QM course reviews accommodate instructors, whether the purpose is to self-review and make small changes to the course or receive a comprehensive course review from QM-trained internal and external peer reviewers.

1. Self-Reviews

Any ISU instructor with a MyQM account can use the QM Self-Review tool to evaluate their own online course using the QM rubric. The QM Self-Review is:

  • A reflective process to start implementing QM Standards.
  • Confidential and can be completed at the instructor’s own pace.
  • Mandatory for the instructors who wish to complete the CELT Internal Course Review or QM external course certification.

2. CELT Internal QM Reviews

A CELT Internal QM Review is a carefully planned and collaborative course design evaluation process. It provides ISU instructors with valuable feedback on the design of their online course(s) and aids their preparation for achieving external QM course certification. Upon completion, instructors receive a comprehensive report highlighting the course’s strengths, suggestions for improvements, and an overall course quality score.

Instructors may choose to include a record of the specific course strengths highlighted by the internal reviews in their performance and promotion documentation.

  • A CELT Quality Course Review is completed by one internal reviewer who applies 22 essential QM course design standards to the course.
  • A CELT High Quality Course Review is completed by three internal reviewers who apply the entire rubric to determine whether the course can be recommended for the QM external certification review.

3. QM External Review (Official QM Review)

Courses that have met all essential Specific Review Standards and collected at least 86 out of 101 points during the CELT High Quality Course Review are recommended to pursue the QM external certification.

In a QM official external certification, three QM-trained professionals external to ISU evaluate the design of an online course to ensure it meets the QM Standards.

  • A course becomes QM-certified once it meets QM Rubric Standards at the 85% threshold or better (at least 86 out of 101 points) and meets all Essential Specific Review Standards.
  • Instructors receive useful course recommendations from external reviewers. If a course does not initially meet QM Rubric Standards, the instructor can submit an amended course to the Master Reviewer for a final inspection.

QM provides professional development opportunities for instructors wishing to learn about QM, and to aspiring peer reviewers.


QM Fundamentals Workshops

ISU’s QM-certified facilitators conduct free workshops to support individuals seeking to learn more about QM tools and processes and how to utilize them more effectively.


Elements of Quality Matters

Enroll in this self-paced online course in which you will learn about QM’s fundamentals:

  • QM’s origin, evolution, and scope
  • Factors that affect the quality of online learning
  • What it takes for a course to be QM certified
  • How QM certifies online programs

Introduction to Quality Matters (INTRO2QM)
Explore why QM is widely considered the gold standard in online quality assurance. The INTRO2QM workshop is ideal for faculty, administrators, and staff new to QM who want to learn more about the benefits of ISU’s QM membership. This workshop is facilitated, fully online, and asynchronous. Please refer to the Schedule & Checklist for more information on workshop requirements. Note that the Schedule & Checklist may somewhat vary from session to session.


Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
This workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework for improving online course quality. Utilizing the QM Rubric, participants review their own online course and develop a course improvement plan. Participants will come away with a clear path toward course improvement. This workshop can be conducted online and in face-to-face settings. Refer to the Schedule & Checklist for more information on the workshop requirements. Note that the Schedule & Checklist may somewhat vary from session to session.


Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)
QM’s flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses is intended for a broad audience, including but not limited to faculty, instructional designers, administrators, and adjunct instructors. It is particularly helpful to those new to QM or those considering the adoption of a quality assurance process for online and blended learning. This workshop can be conducted online and face-to-face settings. Please refer to the online workshop’s Schedule & Checklist for more information on workshop requirements. Note that the Schedule & Checklist for different sessions may vary.


QM Workshops for Peer Reviewers
For individuals preparing for official QM roles, such as Peer Reviewer and Master Reviewer, QM offers a QM Higher Education Peer Reviewer Course and other opportunities. These workshops are not free and require a substantial time commitment and approval from CELT. Please contact CELT to request more information.

Level Up with Quality Matters at ISU