Open Educational Resources at Iowa State

Have you ever considered using free and open instructional materials in your course, but you didn’t know where to start? Maybe you already know what you want to do, but you aren’t certain whether you can do it alone. In these situations, it helps to know the services and support available on campus. You already know what your course needs, so let’s dive into the ways Iowa State supports instructors who want to use OER! 
In this presentation, Abbey Elder will highlight the support available for instructors interested in OER based on your interests: come prepared with questions, and leave with answers that are tailored to your needs. 
Topics might include: how to locate OER for your course, how to incorporate interactive elements into your open textbook, how to identify funding sources for an OER project, how to leverage OER in your tenure & promotion process, and more!
Note: This Event Will Be Recorded


If you need a reasonable accommodation, you may find more information on the University Human Resources Disability Accommodation page. For graduate student assistants and undergraduate students, please get in touch with Student Accessibility Services.
** After you RSVP, please take a moment to add this event to your personal calendar.

New Canvas Integrations: MS Teams Classes, Pressbooks, and more

There are now several new Learning Technology Integrations (LTIs) installed and available to Iowa State University instructors to consider: Logos of Microsoft teams, Pressbooks, Oxford University Press, Visible Body, and Stukent Mimic Social arranged in a group.

  1. Microsoft Teams classes
  2. Pressbooks
  3. Visible Body
  4. Oxford University Press
  5. Stukent Mimic Social 

Microsoft Teams classes can be used to help you and students navigate easily between Canvas and Teams. Users can access their class Teams associated with their Canvas course directly from within Canvas. Once set up in Canvas, student rosters will automatically populate in Microsoft Teams.

The Pressbooks software enables instructors to design and format books. More information can be found on the Parks Library website. The Canvas integration allows instructors to easily add their Pressbook content to Canvas and any results from learner activity will be passed back to the Canvas Gradebook.

Oxford University Press is a publisher application, allowing for better content integration with their textbooks.

Currently, Visible Body and Stukent Mimic Social are course-specific LTIs that add interactive simulations to the learning process.

If you need or would like help with any of these LTIs or other learning technologies, email Doing this will create a ServiceNow ticket and one of our team members will be able to help you. Keep an eye on our website and our Instructional Tools page for more information and guides for each of these LTIs in the coming weeks.
